Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. AP Images

US sen­a­tors ac­cuse No­var­tis ex­ecs of greed for hid­ing ma­nip­u­lat­ed Zol­gens­ma da­ta — and the next step could af­fect the in­dus­try

The sec­ond act in No­var­tis’ Zol­gens­ma dra­ma opened on Fri­day.

A group of US sen­a­tors is­sued their own fu­ri­ous slap­down for the com­pa­ny’s de­ci­sion to keep in­for­ma­tion about ma­nip­u­lat­ed da­ta on Zol­gens­ma hid­den from the FDA dur­ing the re­view process. And this at­tack in­cludes a shot right over the in­dus­try’s bow — with po­ten­tial con­se­quences for all drug de­vel­op­ers.

The let­ter — signed by a group that in­cludes two De­mo­c­ra­t­ic can­di­dates for pres­i­dent, Bernie Sanders and Eliz­a­beth War­ren — ac­cused No­var­tis of greed as well as an out­ra­geous re­fusal to ex­press re­morse in its state­ment re­gard­ing the in­ci­dent in­volv­ing Zol­gens­ma.

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