Vant com­man­der Ra­maswamy heads back to Nas­daq with a $150M pitch — are in­vestors ready to for­give Ax­o­vant?

Love him or hate him, and there are plen­ty of peo­ple in both camps now, Vivek Ra­maswamy is nev­er bor­ing.

On Fri­day Ra­maswamy’s Der­ma­vant — part of the grow­ing Roivant camp he runs — inked a $330 mil­lion deal to gain the world­wide rights to a Phase III-ready pso­ri­a­sis drug from Glax­o­SmithK­line. That was two days af­ter Ra­maswamy re­cruit­ed Genen­tech vet Myr­tle Pot­ter to come in as a Roivant op­er­at­ing chair for the group of biotechs he has ramped up. He al­so launched his 12th com­pa­ny — Im­muno­vant — just days af­ter re­or­ga­niz­ing the com­pa­ny, which now col­lec­tive­ly has more than 600 staffers.

And here’s some­thing new: He capped the week by hand­ing over an S-1 for Urovant, his urol­o­gy com­pa­ny in search of a $150 mil­lion-plus IPO to cov­er the cost of their Phase III pro­gram.

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Director of IT, Security

Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA