VectorY CEO Sander van Deventer (L) and Forbion partner Wouter Joustra

Neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­ease-fo­cused Vec­to­rY nabs $138M to bring ALS vec­tor­ized an­ti­body to clin­ic

Seed­ed by Eu­ro­pean VC firm For­bion in 2021, vec­tor­ized an­ti­body start­up Vec­to­rY has an­oth­er $138 mil­lion to work with in a Se­ries A co-led once again by For­bion’s Growth Op­por­tu­ni­ties Fund, with the com­pa­ny call­ing it one of the largest pri­vate biotech fi­nanc­ings in Eu­rope this year.

Vec­to­rY is first go­ing af­ter amy­otroph­ic lat­er­al scle­ro­sis (ALS), al­so known as Lou Gehrig’s dis­ease, in its mis­sion to tar­get neu­rode­gen­er­a­tive dis­eases. The Se­ries A will go to­ward the clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment of its lead vec­tor­ized an­ti­body pro­gram, VTx-002, which tar­gets TDP-43, the ma­jor patho­log­i­cal pro­tein in spo­radic ALS, ac­cord­ing to the NIH.

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