Ver­sant part­ners gear up for a $700M bo­nan­za of biotech bets, with a spe­cial fo­cus all their own

In a glob­al biotech in­dus­try where ven­ture in­vestors carve own fa­mil­iar strat­e­gy, Ver­sant Ven­tures has al­ways pre­ferred to go its own way. Ver­sant part­ners of­ten go off the beat­en track to find their star­tups. They’ll go it alone at the launch point some­times, or in syn­di­cates. And they have fired up a group of dis­cov­ery lab op­er­a­tions around the world to help seed the ground with their new biotech cre­ations.

To­day, Ver­sant’s team al­so has an ex­tra $700 mil­lion to help fund their next wave of star­tups. That in­cludes a record $600 mil­lion for Fund VII, with a spe­cial $100 mil­lion carve-out fund that will fo­cus ex­clu­sive­ly on Cana­di­an biotechs.

That’s con­sid­er­ably more than the $400 mil­lion Fund VI that kicked off 17 biotech ven­tures for Ver­sant, start­ing close to 2 years ago.

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