Ver­tex claims suc­cess on its non-opi­oid pain drug, push­ing can­di­date in­to piv­otal tri­als

Ver­tex may soon have three irons in the fire in its bid to re­peat the sci­en­tif­ic and fi­nan­cial suc­cess of its block­buster cys­tic fi­bro­sis med­i­cines.

The com­pa­ny on Thurs­day re­leased pos­i­tive re­sults from a pair of Phase II tri­als for its non-opi­oid pro­gram, an­nounc­ing that the ex­per­i­men­tal pill sig­nif­i­cant­ly re­duced pa­tients’ pain com­pared to place­bo in two post-op­er­a­tive tri­als. One tri­al looked at pa­tients who had just re­ceived a bunionec­to­my, the oth­er in pa­tients who re­ceived ab­domino­plas­ty — the med­ical term for a “tum­my tuck.”

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