Jeff Leiden, Vertex via YouTube

Ver­tex rush­es to as­sure Wall Street that Jeff Lei­den is keep­ing a hand on the reins as one an­a­lyst ques­tions suc­ces­sion plans

What­ev­er his crit­ics may have had to say about him, Jeff Lei­den was deeply re­spect­ed and more than a lit­tle revered on Wall Street as a CEO of a large pub­lic com­pa­ny who de­liv­ered on every­thing that mat­tered. The on­ly ev­i­dence that re­al­ly mat­ters: Ver­tex’s stock quadru­pled un­der his guid­ance. It’s a tough act to fol­low — and a top an­a­lyst who’s cov­ered the com­pa­ny for years is rais­ing ques­tions about whether his new­ly des­ig­nat­ed suc­ces­sor is up to the job.

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