Inside the Verve Therapeutics offices (Kyle LaHucik for Endpoints News)

Verve snags $60M from Lil­ly to tack­le Lp(a) with one-time gene edit­ing

Eli Lil­ly has tapped an­oth­er gene edit­ing part­ner, this time look­ing to go af­ter a large pa­tient pop­u­la­tion in the car­dio­vas­cu­lar space with the help of Verve Ther­a­peu­tics.

As part of an in vi­vo gene edit­ing deal, the In­di­anapo­lis Big Phar­ma will pay the Boston biotech $30 mil­lion in cash, in­vest $30 mil­lion via eq­ui­ty at a 15% pre­mi­um to the 30-day vol­ume-weight­ed av­er­age price, and con­tribute up to an­oth­er $465 mil­lion in R&D and com­mer­cial mile­stones, Verve CEO and co-founder Sekar Kathire­san told End­points News.

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