Pascal Soriot, AstraZeneca CEO (Europa Press via AP)

Vi­a­tris lands a court win over As­traZeneca, but gener­ics for block­buster in­haler still not ready to launch

It’s been 16 years since As­traZeneca’s block­buster asth­ma in­haler Sym­bi­cort came to mar­ket in the US, haul­ing in more than $13 bil­lion over just the last five years and be­com­ing the mar­ket leader in the in­haled cor­ti­cos­teroid/long-act­ing be­ta ag­o­nist class.

But ear­li­er this year, Vi­a­tris won FDA ap­proval for the first Sym­bi­cort gener­ic, known as Brey­na, open­ing up the po­ten­tial for cheap­er ver­sions of one of the most com­mon­ly pre­scribed com­plex drug-de­vice com­bo prod­ucts to treat asth­ma and COPD.

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