Video: Hear from End­points' 2021 Women in Bio­phar­ma R&D hon­orees and lis­ten in on our pan­el dis­cus­sion on break­ing the glass ceil­ing

Each year, we aim to high­light 20 ex­tra­or­di­nary women who are leav­ing their mark on drug R&D — and this year’s group was no ex­cep­tion.

Our list, while by no means ex­haus­tive, in­cludes sci­en­tists, CEOs, re­searchers and pro­fes­sors who are su­per­charg­ing the dis­cov­ery and de­vel­op­ment of new ther­a­pies world­wide. Our team of writ­ers spent time with each hon­oree (with a few ex­cep­tions), learn­ing their sto­ries and sketch­ing pro­files, which you’ll find in our spe­cial re­port.

For the sec­ond time, we brought the cel­e­bra­tion to a live vir­tu­al au­di­ence, fea­tur­ing an award pre­sen­ta­tion fol­lowed by a pan­el on what it takes to break the glass ceil­ing in bio­phar­ma with Ko­jin Ther­a­peu­tics CEO Lu­ba Green­wood, AskBio CEO Sheila Mikhail, and Sil­ver­back Ther­a­peu­tics CEO Lau­ra Shawver. Our pan­elists had a live­ly dis­cus­sion on how the in­dus­try’s cul­ture has changed, how to han­dle sex­u­al ha­rass­ment, the progress we’ve made and the chal­lenges that still hold women back to­day.

We ap­plaud each of our hon­orees for scal­ing the heights of bio­phar­ma R&D. You got to meet most of them via brief record­ings we played dur­ing our live event. Be­low, you’ll find bonus videos of­fer­ing a longer glimpse in­to those in­ter­views. And if you didn’t get a chance to tune in to our main event live, you can re­play the en­tire show.

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