ViiV Healthcare is distributing sex-positive activity books as part of its ongoing 'Risk to Reasons' campaign

Vi­iV's newest cam­paign aims to nor­mal­ize sex and health dis­cus­sions to help HIV pre­ven­tion among Black women

GSK’s Vi­iV Health­care wants to help peo­ple talk about sex. Specif­i­cal­ly, it’s aim­ing to help Black women feel em­pow­ered to have sex-pos­i­tive con­ver­sa­tions and re­frame dis­cus­sions around HIV pre­ven­tion and ser­vices in their doc­tor’s of­fices, at home and in the com­mu­ni­ty.

It re­cent­ly de­buted a se­ries of three ac­tiv­i­ty books from its “Risk to Rea­sons” ini­tia­tive, which ad­dress­es sex and health is­sues for one­self, with part­ners and with health­care providers. Avail­able in both dig­i­tal and hard copy ver­sions, the Vi­iV team, along with part­ners and ad­vo­cates, is dis­trib­ut­ing the pur­pose­ful­ly thought-pro­vok­ing books at the com­mu­ni­ty lev­el and in ar­eas with greater need.

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