Vir­ta Health, which got its start help­ing peo­ple man­age di­a­betes with di­et, launch­es weight loss pro­gram

Vir­ta Health is of­fi­cial­ly join­ing a grow­ing group of com­pa­nies look­ing to help peo­ple lose weight. The dif­fer­ence: the health tech in­tends to do it while try­ing to get peo­ple off of GLP-1 med­ica­tions, or as an al­ter­na­tive to us­ing the med­ica­tions at all.

Den­ver-based Vir­ta is bet­ting on an ap­proach that’s been hard to prove so far that can be done with­out re­gain­ing the weight lost. Far more com­pa­nies are build­ing their busi­ness­es around pro­vid­ing em­ploy­ers or con­sumers with ways to ac­cess GLP-1 med­ica­tions like No­vo Nordisk’s We­govy and Eli Lil­ly’s Zep­bound. While Vir­ta has been pro­vid­ing ser­vices for peo­ple look­ing to lose weight for about a year, on Thurs­day, it an­nounced its first or­ga­nized pro­gram around it.

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