Bausch + Lomb's eighth campaign for AMD Awareness Month asks people to share photos of favorite views.

Vi­sion mat­ters: Bausch + Lomb asks mac­u­lar de­gen­er­a­tion pa­tients to share the sights that in­spire them

Sun­sets, moun­tains, grand­chil­dren and the view from the dri­ver’s seat are just a few of the im­ages that peo­ple with age-re­lat­ed mac­u­lar de­gen­er­a­tion (AMD) are shar­ing in Bausch + Lomb’s lat­est so­cial me­dia cam­paign.

Called “What Sight In­spires You,” the ini­tia­tive gath­ers the sto­ries and pho­tos from pa­tients with AMD-com­pro­mised vi­sion, and who have a height­ened un­der­stand­ing of that val­ue. The so­cial me­dia shar­ing cam­paign is new this month, how­ev­er, Bausch + Lomb’s Sight Mat­ters Face­book com­mu­ni­ty and web­site have been around since 2019. It now counts more than one mil­lion mem­bers, said Joe Gor­don, Bausch + Lomb pres­i­dent, glob­al con­sumer, sur­gi­cal and vi­sion care.

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