Vivek Ramaswamy at an Endpoints News/PharmCube event in Shanghai, October 2018 (Photo: Endpoints News)

Vivek Ra­maswamy trades top ex­ecs and adds stealthy vant to $3B sale, while his new part­ner toss­es My­ovant $350M

Roivant chief Vivek Ra­maswamy will pick up his $3 bil­lion check from Sum­it­o­mo Dainip­pon in ex­change for his stake in 5 of his start­up vants — along with an op­tion on 6 more as well as an op­er­a­tions team to over­see their work. And as they fol­low through on the deal, we’re learn­ing the iden­ti­ty of the 5th biotech in the um­brel­la deal — which turns out to be a stealth com­pa­ny which Ra­maswamy bought up to pur­sue a gene ther­a­py for cys­tic fi­bro­sis.

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