Jeff Jonker, Belharra Therapeutics CEO

Vi­vid­ion 2.0? Ben Cra­vatt and Scripps team form a new chemo­pro­teomics biotech

By Jeff Jonker’s count, more than a dozen biotechs op­er­ate in the chemo­pro­teomics space, in which com­pa­nies like Vi­vid­ion Ther­a­peu­tics look to up­end small mol­e­cule drug dis­cov­ery.

Add Jonker’s lat­est up­start to the ta­ble. Af­ter launch­ing Vi­vid­ion, Ver­sant Ven­tures is back with what it calls a next-gen ap­proach to the field with Bel­har­ra Ther­a­peu­tics. A $50 mil­lion Se­ries A will kick things off for the small mol­e­cule de­vel­op­er.

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