Vow­ing to help, Trump man­ages to spark an an­gry protest against poli­cies and a plan to re­vamp the FDA

End­points as­sess­es the big bio­phar­ma sto­ries of the week, with a lit­tle added com­men­tary on what they mean for the in­dus­try.

 Pres­i­dent Don­ald J. Trump

Whether you love Trump or hate him, and you’ll find few peo­ple in be­tween those two sen­ti­ments, he’s made a huge im­pact on the bio­phar­ma world in the first few days as pres­i­dent. In many ways, it’s been a tox­ic af­fair right from the start.

First, Trump man­aged to raise quite a few bio­phar­ma hack­les with his ear­ly ex­ec­u­tive or­der ban­ning trav­el from 7 pre­dom­i­nant­ly Mus­lim coun­tries. True, none of these coun­tries are like­ly to reg­is­ter as big play­ers in sci­ence and drug de­vel­op­ment. But a poll of our read­ers, along with in­di­vid­ual com­ments from a large slate of ex­ec­u­tives, un­veiled a clear fear on the part of many green card hold­ers that their world could be turned up­side down in a heart­beat.

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