Ex­clu­sive: Weight loss app Noom lays off em­ploy­ees in­clud­ing coach­es and en­gi­neers

Weight loss start­up Noom has made an­oth­er round of lay­offs, End­points News learned, fol­low­ing a se­ries of cuts over re­cent years as it leans more heav­i­ly in­to weight loss drugs and works to im­prove its mar­gins.

The cuts hit the com­pa­ny’s coach­es, who help users set goals and keep them ac­count­able, as well as some of the en­gi­neer­ing staff, ac­cord­ing to peo­ple fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter who spoke on con­di­tion of anonymi­ty. In ad­di­tion, Noom’s vice pres­i­dent of coach­ing and cus­tomer ex­pe­ri­ence ser­vices an­nounced her res­ig­na­tion in the days af­ter the com­pa­ny is­sued lay­offs, a Noom spokesper­son con­firmed.

Endpoints News

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