We’ll see this week if the pub­lic mar­kets’ love af­fair with biotech uni­corns is still run­ning hot — or not

Can an­oth­er mR­NA spe­cial­ist cap­ture the at­ten­tion of pub­lic in­vestors and main­tain the sec­tor’s rep for host­ing su­per-sized uni­corn val­u­a­tions? 

We’ll find out lat­er this week as BioN­Tech out of Ger­many steers an of­fer­ing in­tend­ed to gen­er­ate more than $250 mil­lion in cash with a val­u­a­tion of $4.45 bil­lion to its cred­it. They’ve been in busi­ness for the last 11 years, backed by the bil­lion­aire Strüng­mann broth­ers. 

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