Westlake Village BioPartners managing directors (from L-R) David Allison and Mira Chaurushiya, and founding managing director Beth Seidenberg

West­lake at­tracts an­oth­er $450M to fu­el star­tups in LA's nascent biotech scene

“If it’s not bro­ken, let’s not try to fix it.”

That’s the mot­to be­hind biotech VC firm West­lake Vil­lage BioPart­ners, which said Mon­day that most of its ex­ist­ing in­vestors re­turned for a $450 mil­lion third fund. The firm plans to in­cu­bate more home­town Los An­ge­les star­tups, fol­low the same CEO-first mod­el that worked for its IPO star Ace­lyrin and breathe new life in­to clin­i­cal-stage as­sets de­vel­oped by bio­phar­mas.

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