What are the top 10 cor­po­rate VCs in bio­phar­ma to­day? And what do they want to fund — or steer clear of?

Cor­po­rate mon­ey from Big Phar­ma is bleed­ing in­to pri­vate eq­ui­ty deals at a rapid clip, now rep­re­sent­ing a huge chunk of the to­tal cash pie doled out to biotech ven­tures each year. Their mo­ti­va­tions have moved be­yond stock­ing re­search-starved pipelines, in­stead mov­ing in­to pri­vate fi­nance be­cause the ideas they stum­ble on can in­flu­ence longterm strat­e­gy.

Plus, well… they could use the re­turns.

Endpoints News

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