Robert Davis, Merck CEO

What can Mer­ck af­ford to buy now? ‘ANY­THING’ it wants

With Keytru­da bulling its way past the $5 bil­lion mark for Q2 sales, you could say that the top ex­ecs at Mer­ck can be be­lieved when they say how keen­ly in­ter­est­ed they are in us­ing its cash re­serves for new M&A and li­cens­ing deals. Just don’t ask what they’re ne­go­ti­at­ing to buy right now.

The an­a­lysts large­ly tip­toed around the biggest buzz about Mer­ck to­day: that it’s en­gaged in dis­cus­sions to buy Seagen for $40 bil­lion-plus. They’re a po­lite bunch that needs to be on a first-name ba­sis with CEO Rob Davis. But Davis was will­ing to em­pha­size that the phar­ma gi­ant has the means and the in­tent to do more deals.

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