What do Mar­tin Shkre­li, Gilead and Take­da have in com­mon? They all fig­ure promi­nent­ly in the new top-20 list of the world’s most ex­pen­sive drugs

Take­da is about to buy its way to a num­ber 1 spot in the top tier of drug­mak­ers field­ing the most ex­pen­sive drugs on the plan­et.

Once its $62 bil­lion Shire buy­out goes through, Take­da will be re­spon­si­ble for sell­ing three of the most ex­pen­sive drugs on the mar­ket to­day, ac­cord­ing to the lat­est list from GoodRx. And that’s more than any oth­er man­u­fac­tur­er on the rank­ing.

The drug pric­ing an­a­lysts at GoodRx de­cid­ed this year that they need­ed to dou­ble the num­ber of drugs tracked in or­der to be able to ful­ly cap­ture the grow­ing ranks of ther­a­pies that com­mand whole­sale prices of more than $25,000 a month.

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