William Kaelin. HHMI

What does No­bel-qual­i­ty re­search look like in ac­tion? Re­searchers re­count the Bill Kaelin ex­per­i­ment

There’s a ques­tion band­ed about at Tan­go Ther­a­peu­tics, the biotech William Kaelin co-found­ed a few years back. It’s the adult sci­en­tist equiv­a­lent of a math teacher ask­ing if you checked your work, sub­tract­ed back the sums and mul­ti­plied the quo­tients: Have you done the Bill Kaelin ex­per­i­ment?

“He holds it al­most as a prin­ci­ple,” Tan­go CSO Alan Huang told End­points News. “And he won’t let go.”

Gregg Se­men­za
Endpoints News

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