Hal Barron, GSK

What makes Hal Bar­ron tick? Look at the peo­ple he’s team­ing up with at GSK

GSK R&D chief Hal Bar­ron is all about peo­ple: The peo­ple who lead his teams, the peo­ple on his teams and the peo­ple he’s col­lab­o­rat­ing with.

If you lis­tened close­ly to Bar­ron’s one-year re­view of the ef­fort to turn around GSK’s R&D or­ga­ni­za­tion in their Q2 up­date this week, that came through loud and clear as he flagged a se­ries of new hires, new plans to build re­search teams and a new cell ther­a­py col­lab­o­ra­tion we haven’t heard of be­fore. 

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