What’s up with all the buzz about Gilead’s PhI­II NASH drug selon­sert­ib?

Ear­li­er Wednes­day we could de­tect a dis­tinct dis­tur­bance in the biotech force as some care­ful stu­dents of clin­i­cal­tri­als.gov picked up on some ma­jor — and re­cent­ly filed — changes in the time­lines list­ed for a read­out on Gilead’s $GILD close­ly-watched NASH drug selon­sert­ib.

STEL­LAR 4, their Phase III study for com­pen­sat­ed cir­rho­sis due to NASH, and STEL­LAR 3, on ad­vanced NASH and bridg­ing F3 fi­bro­sis, had been giv­en near-term planned com­ple­tion dates that lined up with Gilead’s re­peat­ed­ly con­firmed plans to post the ini­tial re­sults in Q1 and Q2. But the Jan­u­ary and March com­ple­tion dates were rad­i­cal­ly ad­just­ed, just days ago, to No­vem­ber, 2022 and Feb­ru­ary, 2023.

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