These are biotech's 44 most promis­ing star­tups of the last half-decade — here's how they've end­ed up

When an­nu­al­ly pro­claim­ing which star­tups are poised to be­come the next big thing in biotech, you ought to track their progress every so of­ten.

In the past five years, End­points News has pro­filed 44 pri­vate biotech star­tups ex­hibit­ing the hall­marks of great po­ten­tial — sci­en­tif­ic rig­or, lead­er­ship gus­to, deep pock­ets, am­bi­tion to take on what oth­ers haven’t or a fresh take on the in­dus­try.

So, in ad­vance of an­nounc­ing an­oth­er batch of hon­orees this week, it’s time to re­flect on the sta­tus of pre­vi­ous End­points 11 win­ners. (And sor­ry, Class of 2019, for ne­glect­ing to se­lect any com­pa­nies from your year.)

Endpoints News

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