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Who are the LGBTQ+ lead­ers forg­ing paths in bio­phar­ma in 2022? Nom­i­nate them for an End­points spe­cial re­port

In my time re­port­ing on biotech’s queer com­mu­ni­ty, Lau­rent Fis­ch­er, Jen­nifer Buell, Gary Ur­ban and mul­ti­ple oth­er LGBTQ+ bio­phar­ma ex­ec­u­tives have told me the in­dus­try and so­ci­ety have both changed for the bet­ter since they got their starts in bio­phar­ma in the 1990s.

Paul Hast­ings, chair of BIO, said “you’d have to look re­al­ly hard” to find a ho­mo­phobe or “folks like that” in the drug de­vel­op­ment world.

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