Who are the top 10 play­ers that dom­i­nate the can­cer drug mar­ket? And who's grow­ing fastest?

Sev­erin Schwan, CEO Roche, speaks dur­ing a Feb­ru­ary 2017 press con­fer­ence in Basel, Switzer­land AP Im­ages

The stel­lar sales per­for­mance of new im­munother­a­py drugs is dri­ving a boom in in­vest­ment dol­lars flow­ing in­to the field. And it’s not hard to see why. Im­munother­a­py is de­liv­er­ing more sales, ear­li­er ex­its, and high­er re­turns on in­vest­ment for biotech in­vestors.

Last year, im­muno-on­col­o­gy drugs snagged 33% of all dol­lars spent on can­cer drugs. That’s de­spite the fact that these ther­a­pies on­ly make up 9% of all FDA-ap­proved on­col­o­gy drugs. These num­bers un­der­score a sim­ple fact in bio­phar­ma: If you’re a ma­jor play­er in the can­cer mar­ket, or want to be­come one, tar­get­ing im­muno-on­col­o­gy has be­come one of the fa­vorite strate­gies for grow­ing sales — quick­ly.

In this spe­cial re­port, we de­cid­ed to give you all an overview of the biggest play­ers in the can­cer area, in­clud­ing their suc­cess­es, what’s top of mind in I/O, and the chal­lenges that lie ahead for the top 10 com­pa­nies. In­cludes charts and a ta­ble of se­lect late-stage im­muno-on­col­o­gy ther­a­pies.

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