Takeshi Kasai, WHO Western Pacific regional director (Bullit Marquez/AP Images, File)

WHO of­fi­cial un­der fire af­ter al­le­ga­tions of racism, leak­ing sen­si­tive da­ta — re­port

A top WHO of­fi­cial lead­ing ef­forts in Asia and the West­ern Pa­cif­ic re­gion is re­port­ed­ly un­der fire af­ter staffers filed a com­plaint al­leg­ing abuse, racism and the leak­ing of sen­si­tive da­ta.

Staffers out­lined their com­plaints against Takeshi Ka­sai in Oc­to­ber, the As­so­ci­at­ed Press re­port­ed Thurs­day af­ter­noon, say­ing Ka­sai cul­ti­vat­ed a “tox­ic at­mos­phere” and a “cul­ture of sys­temic bul­ly­ing and pub­lic ridi­cul­ing” at WHO’s West­ern Pa­cif­ic head­quar­ters in Mani­la. Many Asian coun­tries fall un­der Ka­sai’s purview, in­clud­ing Chi­na and his home coun­try of Japan.

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