Luca Santarelli, VectivBio CEO

With da­ta from nine-pa­tient study, Vec­tivBio rais­es $125M ahead of lead pro­gram's big read­out

Vec­tivBio now has $125 mil­lion more to work with.

The Basel, Switzer­land-based biotech re­port­ed the raise just 20 min­utes af­ter it dropped ear­ly da­ta from a small, open-la­bel study on its lead can­di­date, apraglu­tide, a GLP2 ag­o­nist for short bow­el syn­drome with in­testi­nal fail­ure, or SBS-IF, a rare con­di­tion in which the body can’t ab­sorb enough nu­tri­ents be­cause the in­testines are too short.

The open-la­bel, Phase II study in ques­tion on­ly en­rolled nine pa­tients with SBS-IF and colon in con­ti­nu­ity, a sub­group of pa­tients that Vec­tivBio CEO Lu­ca Santarel­li dubbed the “un­der­served ma­jor­i­ty.”

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