With its rep on the line, Cel­gene's new­ly-filed safe­ty study spurs fresh wor­ries over fate of ozan­i­mod

Af­ter blun­der­ing its way in­to an ug­ly set­back at the FDA with its high­ly an­tic­i­pat­ed mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis drug ozan­i­mod, Cel­gene is trig­ger­ing fresh ques­tions about the fu­ture of this fre­quent­ly tout­ed block­buster-to-be with a slate of new­ly filed clin­i­cal tri­als aimed at fur­ther ex­plor­ing pos­si­ble safe­ty is­sues. And that has at least one promi­nent an­a­lyst won­der­ing if he will need to even­tu­al­ly re­cal­cu­late the tim­ing — and chances of suc­cess — of the mar­ket­ing pitch.

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