With lat­est Keytru­da OK, Mer­ck edges in­to Glax­o­SmithK­line’s (small) PD-1 turf

Mer­ck has col­lect­ed an­oth­er ap­proval for flag­ship PD-1 in­hibitor Keytru­da and, in do­ing so, ven­tured deep­er in­to a rel­a­tive­ly new bio­mark­er.

The ex­pand­ed OK cov­ers the use of Keytru­da in pa­tients with ad­vanced en­dome­tri­al car­ci­no­ma that can be clas­si­fied as mi­crosatel­lite in­sta­bil­i­ty-high (MSI-H) or mis­match re­pair de­fi­cient (dMMR), as de­ter­mined by an FDA-ap­proved test. These pa­tients would al­so have pro­gressed fol­low­ing sys­temic ther­a­py and are not can­di­dates for cu­ra­tive surgery or ra­di­a­tion.

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