William Chou, Passage Bio CEO

With new CEO, Pas­sage Bio gives ear­ly look at first six pa­tients in GM1 gan­gliosi­do­sis gene ther­a­py tri­al

Pas­sage Bio has passed through a rough stretch of lay­offs, ex­ec de­par­tures, and pipeline cuts this past year.

And with a new CEO in William Chou, who joined in Oc­to­ber from Aru­vant af­ter par­ent com­pa­ny Roivant scrapped its sick­le cell pro­gram, Pas­sage Bio is look­ing to re­cal­i­brate. It’s start­ing with some very ear­ly re­sults from its gene ther­a­py for GM1 gan­gliosi­do­sis, a rare dis­ease in which peo­ple, of­ten in­fants or chil­dren, don’t make any or enough of an en­zyme called be­ta-galac­tosi­dase-1 that helps break down large sug­ars.

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