Worst. biotech. deal. ever? Turns out Ab­b­Vie has plen­ty of com­pe­ti­tion for that ti­tle

Buy­ing any late-stage drug in a biotech buy­out can be fraught with dan­ger — and ripe for hu­mil­i­a­tion. Ab­b­Vie got a les­son on that with the fi­nal fail­ure for Ro­va-T, a drug they forked over $5.8 bil­lion in cash and eq­ui­ty to get its hands on.

But was this the worst. biotech. deal. ever?

I pitched that no­tion on Twit­ter and got a ton of feed­back from every­one point­ing out Te­va’s dis­as­trous gener­ics buy­out from Al­ler­gan, which tipped the com­pa­ny in­to a rev­enue spi­ral, to the Gilead and Cel­gene deals for Kite and Juno (thank you, Brad Lon­car).

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