Y-mAbs’ sto­ry comes in­to the light: a ship­ping ty­coon, the MSK re­searcher, a par­tial hold and a $92M IPO gam­ble

Y-mAbs Ther­a­peu­tics al­ways had an in­trigu­ing sto­ry. It just nev­er did much about telling it — un­til now.

On Fri­day, the biotech filed for a $92 mil­lion IPO, and skat­ed through what we al­ready knew: Back-to-back ven­ture rounds had re­cent­ly pumped $80 mil­lion in­to the com­pa­ny, which is run by a group of ex-Gen­mab ex­ecs with rights to two key can­cer drugs — naxi­ta­m­ab and bur­tam­ab — that tar­get GD2 and B7-H3.

In the process, though, the biotech al­so un­veiled some in­ter­est­ing facts about its wealthy backer, a par­tial FDA hold and the very per­son­al tale of an en­dan­gered child whose treat­ment at Memo­r­i­al Sloan Ket­ter­ing years ago helped in­spire a start­up.

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