Haifan Lin (via Yale School of Medicine website)

Yale fac­ul­ty vo­cif­er­ous­ly de­fend stem cell pi­o­neer Haifan Lin, a sus­pend­ed col­league they say is be­ing un­fair­ly tar­get­ed by DoJ

Dozens of Yale fac­ul­ty called on the uni­ver­si­ty late Thurs­day to re­in­state a sus­pend­ed col­league they claim is be­ing un­fair­ly tar­get­ed by the De­part­ment of Jus­tice’s os­ten­si­bly de­funct “Chi­na Ini­tia­tive.”

Yale pro­fes­sors at its De­part­ment of Cell Bi­ol­o­gy and Stem Cell Cen­ter re­leased a lengthy state­ment on so­cial me­dia Thurs­day af­ter­noon, voic­ing sup­port for bi­ol­o­gist Haifan Lin and ask­ing for his re­in­state­ment. Lin had re­port­ed­ly come un­der in­ves­ti­ga­tion af­ter al­le­ga­tions of fraud by the NIH in 2019.

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