Hal Barron (GSK via YouTube)

Year-end earn­ings show tur­bu­lent times for Hal Bar­ron's Glax­o­SmithK­line turn­around

Hal Bar­ron and Em­ma Walm­s­ley’s big Glax­o­SmithK­line piv­ot may ul­ti­mate­ly prove suc­cess­ful, de­liv­er­ing block­busters in can­cer, au­to-im­mune con­di­tions and in­fec­tious dis­ease. But the path to get there is al­ready look­ing rocky.

GSK an­nounced their year-end earn­ings Wednes­day morn­ing, re­veal­ing that they had cut two more pipeline can­di­dates af­ter they failed in ear­ly stage tri­als and dis­ap­point­ing in­vestors with news that prof­its had fall­en and earn­ings per share would de­cline by mid to high sin­gle dig­its.

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