Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO (Markus Schreiber/AP Images)

Years be­fore $43B Pfiz­er deal, a mys­tery com­pa­ny made six pro­pos­als for Seagen

Be­fore Seagen’s $43 bil­lion deal to be ac­quired by Pfiz­er last month, the biotech com­pa­ny had re­ceived takeover of­fers go­ing back to at least 2019, ac­cord­ing to a new fil­ing that pro­vides a play-by-play look at one of the biggest M&A deals in re­cent in­dus­try his­to­ry.

The lead-up to the $43 bil­lion merg­er was filled with mul­ti­ple at­tempts by one drug­mak­er to buy Seagen, an ef­fort that ul­ti­mate­ly fell apart over price and that was punc­tu­at­ed by the ar­rest of the biotech’s then-CEO Clay Sie­gall on al­le­ga­tions that he as­sault­ed his wife. And af­ter Sie­gall’s ouster, the fil­ing de­tails a con­test be­tween ri­val drug­mak­ers — one of which ap­pears to be Mer­ck — that ul­ti­mate­ly end­ed with Pfiz­er win­ning the deal.

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