Lonnie Moulder, Zenas BioPharma CEO

Lon­nie Moul­der's Zenas clos­es a $200M Se­ries C to broad­en lead drug's au­toim­mune po­ten­tial

Lon­nie Moul­der’s lat­est biotech has se­cured some new cash to ex­pand its work in au­toim­mune dis­eases.

The start­up, Zenas Bio­Phar­ma, closed a $200 mil­lion Se­ries C and will use the mon­ey to fund clin­i­cal tri­als for its lead pro­gram, obex­e­limab. Zenas is test­ing the drug in Phase 3 for IgG4-re­lat­ed dis­ease — which can cause tu­mor-like growths on some or­gans — and in Phase 2 for mul­ti­ple scle­ro­sis, sys­temic lu­pus ery­the­mato­sus and warm au­toim­mune he­molyt­ic ane­mia.

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