4P-Phar­ma rais­es €15M; On­cotel­ic Ther­a­peu­tics sells rights to can­cer as­sets

Plus, news about Adap­tilens:

4P-Phar­ma se­cures €15M in sec­ond clos­ing: The fundraise, which was backed by pri­vate in­vestors, will be used to sup­port the French biotech as it us­es its “start­up stu­dio’s mod­el” to de­vel­op sin­gle prod­uct ve­hi­cles. The com­pa­ny’s lead can­di­date — a CX­CR4 an­tag­o­nist called 4P021 — is cur­rent­ly in Phase 2 de­vel­op­ment for acute res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­tress syn­drome.

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