Sanofi sells man­u­fac­tur­ing site to Re­ci­pharm; Ap­tose buys rights to sell Crys­talGe­nomic­s' can­cer drug in Chi­na

Sanofi is sell­ing off its con­tract res­pi­ra­to­ry drug man­u­fac­tur­ing site in the UK to Re­ci­pharm, which is pick­ing up man­u­fac­tur­ing ca­pac­i­ty as well as new clients in the $60 mil­lion deal. The plant’s 450 staffers will switch to their new em­ploy­er when the deal clos­es lat­er this year.

→ San Diego’s Ap­tose Bio­sciences $AP­TO has ex­pand­ed its li­cens­ing agree­ment with South Ko­rea’s Crys­talGe­nomics to sell the lat­ter com­pa­ny’s drug CG-806 in Chi­na, Macau, and Hong Kong. Ap­tose is pay­ing Crys­talGe­nomics $3 mil­lion up­front, with a to­tal deal val­ue of $125 mil­lion in­clud­ing mile­stones and roy­al­ties. CG-806 is a small mol­e­cule be­ing de­vel­oped for the treat­ment of acute myeloid leukemia, B-cell ma­lig­nan­cies, and ad­di­tion­al blood can­cers. Back in May, Ap­tose grabbed an ex­clu­sive li­cense from Crys­talGe­nomics to de­vel­op and com­mer­cial­ize CG-806 world­wide out­side of Chi­na and Ko­rea. This new deal ex­tends that li­cense agree­ment to in­clude Chi­na.

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