BioN­Tech nabs PhI an­ti­body and a new US base out of bank­rupt­cy; Pfiz­er wins con­di­tion­al drug OK

BioN­Tech is buy­ing Mab­Vax’s labs $MB­VX and a clin­i­cal as­set out of bank­rupt­cy as the Ger­man mR­NA com­pa­ny es­tab­lish­es a satel­lite op­er­a­tion in San Diego. The biotech, which has ev­i­dent­ly been kick­ing around a mon­ster IPO, ac­quired the bank­rupt op­er­a­tion’s lead can­di­date, MVT-5873, “as well as oth­er pre-clin­i­cal an­ti­body as­sets to ex­pand and com­ple­ment its ex­ist­ing an­ti­body port­fo­lio.” That lead Phase I pro­gram is de­scribed as an IgG1 mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body tar­get­ing sia­lyl Lewis A (SLeA), “an epi­tope ex­pressed in pan­cre­at­ic and oth­er GI can­cers that plays a role in tu­mor ad­he­sion and metas­ta­sis for­ma­tion.” No terms were giv­en, but BioN­Tech made clear in its state­ment that they plan to use the new base to help with their clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment plans in the US.

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