Macro­Gen­ics vs Mer­ck: An un­der­dog plans a pre­mier bout with the heavy­weight cham­pi­on of the PD-1 class

Some­time dur­ing the fourth quar­ter of the year, Macro­Gen­ics is promis­ing to do some­thing that ap­par­ent­ly has nev­er been tried be­fore in the top­sy-turvy world of im­muno-on­col­o­gy. They’ll put their ex­per­i­men­tal PD-1 ther­a­py MGA012, part­nered with In­cyte, in­to a study that pits them head-to-head against Keytru­da/chemo — the rul­ing PD-1/(L)1 on the mar­ket to­day — for front­line head and neck can­cer.

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