In­vestors lost big as Alzheimer’s R&D went over the cliff in 2019. Will they ever come back?

Neu­rotrope this week joined the long line of bio­phar­ma com­pa­nies that have been mauled by clin­i­cal fail­ure for Alzheimer’s drugs. But their crushed shares ($NTRP down from more than $8 in June to pen­ny stock range to­day) rep­re­sent­ed just a tiny drop in the buck­et of red ink that has drained from play­ers which have pur­sued the great­est of all Holy Grails in drug R&D. Decades of de­feat, head­lined by the likes of solanezum­ab at Eli Lil­ly stretch­ing to the most re­cent sna­fu with Bio­gen’s ad­u­canum­ab, have forced a slew of play­ers to change course on their R&D strat­e­gy — or just leave it in lim­bo.

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