Three De­mo­c­rat reps op­pose Medicare drug pric­ing plan; Alpine Im­mune an­nounces pri­vate place­ment

A trio of key De­moc­rats said yes­ter­day they will op­pose their par­ty’s plan to low­er drug prices — cre­at­ing a sub­stan­tial road­block for the De­moc­rats’ — and the White House’s — de­sired $3.5 tril­lion tax and spend­ing pack­age.

Ac­cord­ing to the Wash­ing­ton Post, Reps. Scott Pe­ters (D-Calif.), Kath­leen Rice (D-N.Y.) and Kurt Schrad­er (D-Ore.) have con­cerns about giv­ing Medicare the au­thor­i­ty to ne­go­ti­ate di­rect­ly with drug com­pa­nies.

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