Dan O'Day (AP Images)

A name emerges out of the Gilead M&A ru­mor mill, and it’s a can­cer biotech

Af­ter months of ques­tions and spec­u­la­tion about when and if Gilead will make a ma­jor ac­qui­si­tion, a name has emerged.

The Cal­i­for­nia-based drug­mak­er has ap­proached Forty Sev­en Inc, a can­cer biotech, with a takeover of­fer, Bloomberg News re­ports. With Forty Sev­en’s mar­ket cap at $2.3 bil­lion, an ac­qui­si­tion would like­ly be Gilead’s largest since they ac­quired Kite Phar­ma for $11.9 bil­lion in 2017.

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