ACIP unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mends Deng­vax­ia use, with same caveats as FDA la­bel; Chi­nese 3D print­ing com­pa­ny with rheuma­toid arthri­tis drug com­pletes Se­ries B fi­nanc­ing

ACIP has rec­om­mend­ed use of Sanofi’s dengue vac­cine by a unan­i­mous vote, but there’s a catch.

With the 14-0 vote Thurs­day, ACIP said the shots should be giv­en to chil­dren aged 9 to 16 on­ly if they’ve had a pre­vi­ous in­fec­tion and live in ar­eas where dengue is en­dem­ic. In the US, that’s large­ly a ref­er­ence to Puer­to Ri­co and oth­er is­land ter­ri­to­ries. The vote comes two years af­ter the FDA ap­proved the shot.

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