Acrivon draws in $130M; Vin­cerx Phar­ma's Ph1 metasta­t­ic tu­mor da­ta

Acrivon rais­es $130M PIPE: The pre­ci­sion on­col­o­gy biotech brought in the mon­ey from RA Cap­i­tal, Per­cep­tive Ad­vi­sors and oth­er in­vestors. Its stock $ACRV was up more than 50% in ear­ly Tues­day trad­ing. — Kyle LaHu­cik

Vin­cerx Phar­ma’s Ph1 metasta­t­ic tu­mor da­ta dis­ap­points in­vestors: The com­pa­ny’s VIP236 was well-tol­er­at­ed with no dose-lim­it­ing tox­i­c­i­ties when giv­en once every three weeks, ac­cord­ing to re­sults pre­sent­ed at the Amer­i­can As­so­ci­a­tion for Can­cer Re­search’s an­nu­al meet­ing. Of the 15 pa­tients treat­ed, sev­en achieved ob­jec­tive sta­ble dis­ease, but there were no RE­CIST re­spons­es. The com­pa­ny’s stock $VINC was down about 75% on Tues­day morn­ing. — Ay­isha Shar­ma

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