Ad­comm of­fers mixed vote, rec­om­mends GSK's kid­ney dis­ease drug in just one pa­tient pop­u­la­tion

A day af­ter the FDA raised safe­ty con­cerns re­gard­ing a kid­ney dis­ease can­di­date from GSK, the com­pa­ny did not end up with all green lights from an ad­comm.

The FDA’s Car­dio­vas­cu­lar and Re­nal Drugs Ad­vi­so­ry Com­mit­tee met over dapro­du­s­tat, a hy­pox­ia-in­ducible fac­tor pro­lyl hy­drox­y­lase in­hibitor once laud­ed by ex-R&D head Hal Bar­ron as a top drug for ane­mia in pa­tients with chron­ic kid­ney dis­ease in the drug­mak­er’s late-stage pipeline. The FDA, as of Tues­day, raised some ques­tions about if the ben­e­fits were worth it, giv­en some of the po­ten­tial risks. Those risks, ac­cord­ing to the agency, would have in­clud­ed heart fail­ure and gas­tric ero­sions, plus heart at­tacks and risks for strokes in a more spe­cif­ic sub­group of pa­tients.

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