Devon Taylor of 21Grams talks about video games and health with Reata Pharmaceuticals' April Davis at SXSW.

Agency ex­pands video gam­ing prac­tice with new pod­cast on 'gamechang­er­s' for phar­ma and health­care

It’s fit­ting that Re­al Chem­istry’s 21Grams’ new pod­cast about video gam­ing and health de­buted on De­von Tay­lor’s son’s sec­ond birth­day. It was his birth that jump­start­ed Tay­lor’s ideas around men­tal health and video gam­ing that led to the es­tab­lish­ment of the 21Gam­ing busi­ness prac­tice.

Af­ter her son’s birth, Tay­lor was deal­ing with post­par­tum anx­i­ety and de­pres­sion when she picked up a Playsta­tion con­troller while breast­feed­ing and in­stant­ly re­al­ized how cathar­tic it was.

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