AI life sci­ences uni­corn rais­es $150M for plat­form ops; 10 rare dis­ease com­pa­nies form new lob­by­ing group

Bain Cap­i­tal just en­dorsed the no­tion that AI and big da­ta are com­ing of age in the life sci­ences in­dus­try.

Their Tech Op­por­tu­ni­ties team is in­vest­ing $150 mil­lion in the 11-year-old da­ta man­age­ment and AI plat­form op­er­a­tion at Ax­tria, which plans to use the mon­ey to build up its plat­form for cloud soft­ware and ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence in life sci­ences. Those plans could in­clude M&A for the com­pa­ny, which Bloomberg re­ports used a val­u­a­tion of $1 bil­lion in rais­ing this cash.

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